If you are looking to save money, incorporating some habits to save energy into your routine can not only help your wallet but also help the environment by reducing air and water...
Written by Neha Singh, Guest Writer & Travel Blogger Traveling is gradually opening up this year and it is an amazing experience, but the chaos that comes along with it is not really...
When it comes to health benefits, smart bathrooms are offering automated furniture that helps its users discover new coping mechanisms to deal with mental health-related issues....
Written by Andi Croft, Guest & Freelance Writer Carbon dioxide emissions are one of the significant sources of pollution. In fact, we are pumping billions of tonnes of CO2 into...
Written by Geraldine Mills, Guest Writer Exploring and venturing outdoors can mean loads of fun. It can also be an educational adventure. That said, having a solid vacation...
It’s easy to take our feet for granted. Feet are perhaps not the most glamorous part of our body, but they are real workhorses — If you stop to think about it, it’s...
Written by Mike Khorev, Guest Writer Taking photos while traveling has become essential for many people. There is a huge chance that you are preparing for your next...
Written by Jade Langton, Guest Writer Have you ever experienced a stressful day that had you feeling low and worn out? Does it seem like you’ll never find the light...
Some people have a knack for seeing the silver lining in every situation – it’s just part of their personality. If you’d like to inject a little more positivity into...
Injury can occur to you anywhere, on the sports field, at home, work, or in an accident may be due to the negligence of someone else. Some injuries can have a debilitating...