If you are looking to save money, incorporating some habits to save energy into your routine can not only help your wallet but also help the environment by reducing air and water pollution.
Check out some home energy-saving tips that you can add to your routine:
1. Keep Your Fridge Stocked
Did you know that fridges are more efficient when they are full? Since it overworks the motor it can be a waste of energy to cool it, keep your fridge stocked to help you save some extra bucks.

2. Use an Energy-Efficient Dishwasher
Having an energy-efficient dishwasher can be very helpful to save water and energy. Opting to use the dishwasher and air drying the dishes is a better option for your wallet and your time over washing it by hand.
3. Don’t Charge Devices Overnight
A lot of people like to charge their devices overnight, but since most of them only require a few hours to charge, you can choose to start charging them before bed and unplug them during the night to save energy.
4. Install Low Flow Showerhead
A hot shower can be very therapeutic, but it can also waste a good amount of energy. By installing a low-flow showerhead, you will save energy and water since it will require less heat and water to operate it.

5. Air dry Clothes
If you want to save on your energy bill, you can also add a drying rack to your laundry room. Hanging your clothes to try not only saves energy but helps your clothes last longer. If you choose to use the drier, tumble dry on low heat to keep saving.
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