Written by Jade Langton, Guest Writer
Have you ever experienced a stressful day that had you feeling low and worn out? Does it seem like you’ll never find the light at the end of the tunnel?
While stress is part and parcel of life, it doesn’t have to be your defining factor. The good news is there’s always a solution for everything. So, you can employ specific tactics and achieve stress relief each time.
Once you understand life is challenging, it makes it easier to work on solutions. You won’t feel overwhelmed by the problems you face.
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What is Stress?
Stress definition is an intense feeling of tension that affects you physically and emotionally. In such situations, you are at a loss of how to handle the situation. For a moment, you feel overwhelmed and not sure of the next step to take.
Gladly, that’s not the end of the issue. While the tension is intense, it’s possible to overcome. All you need are the right tactics for coping with stress. Just take note of the signs of stress.
Signs of Stress
Stress manifests itself physically and emotionally. In addition, specific changes in your life can indicate intense feelings. These stress symptoms are:
- Body Aches and Pains
- Headaches
- Anxiety
- Sadness and Depression
- Low Sex drive
- Over or Under-eating
- Moodiness
Once you notice the problem, you can work to overcome the stress.

How to Reduce Stress
Luckily, being stressed out isn’t the end of life. There are different stress management tactics you can employ to overcome a stressful day or time. Below are some of them.
1. Breathing Exercises
Overwhelming feelings can take over your life and make you feel like you can’t breathe. You feel tightness in your chest that you can’t explain. At that moment, you need to practice breathing exercises.
Take 5 minutes to sit down and try to relax. Breathe in and out for several moments while the tension leaves your body.
2. Walk
Leave the office or the house for a while. If you feel overwhelmed, it’s better to take a walk and clear your mind. Walks are a fantastic way of relieving the tension from your body. If you can find a scenic route, go for it because it will better impact your mood.
3. Get a Diffuser
Aromatherapy is a great way to relax and clear your mind. Once you get a diffuser, you can use essential oils to lift your mood, relax your body, and help you sleep better.
There’s some proven research showing that lovely fragrances help to change your brain waves. So choose the aroma you like and turn on the diffuser.

4. Talk it Out
Carrying all the load of the stressful situation can only make it worse. There’s much healing in sharing, so find someone to talk to. You can confide in a close relative, friend, or therapist.
At times, you realize the situation isn’t as bad as you thought once you share it with another person. They have different ideas of how you can solve it that you couldn’t fathom before.
5. Exercise
Some signs of stress are a lack of energy and tense muscles. Once you feel that, get up and do a few exercises. Physical activity is one of the best ways of stress relief since it removes the hormones responsible for your body.
In turn, you end up with more endorphins which elevate your mood. At the same time, it helps relax your muscles and ease joint pain.
6. Indulge your Hobby
What do you do for fun that doesn’t revolve around your job or family? Having a hobby that you can escape to is another great way of easing stress and anxiety in your life.
When you get lost in the craft, sport, or activity, everything else causing tension fades away. So it’s okay to get away at times and be by yourself.
7. Eat Healthily
Are you having a stressful day? Have a healthy meal and drink. When you eat unhealthy foods, the anxious thoughts and feelings get worse,
However, eating a balanced and healthy meal fills your body with nutrients that deal with stress. As a result, you feel better and even start seeing solutions for the problems you face.

8. Spend Time with Friends
Locking yourself in the house because you had a tough day isn’t the solution. Instead, get out and mingle with friends. Go dancing, have dinner, or get a drink together.
As you engage in gossip and laugh, you feel better because your mind shifts from focusing on what is wrong. Friends can even help you find workable solutions.
9. Create a To-do List
At times, things get out of hand, which makes the whole day overwhelming. But, you must realize you can’t tackle everything at once and fulfill your goals in a day.
So, create a to-do list and plan for it. Make sure each task has ample time to fulfill. Planning helps you relax and live a better life because you aren’t overwhelmed.

10. Be Grateful
While some things are going wrong, there are always others you can show appreciation for. For instance, work can be intense, but be grateful you have a job in the first place. What this does is shift your thinking.
Summing Up
Stress can negatively impact your day. However, sure signs let you know of the problem then you can start to solve it. Following the ways listed above is a great place to start.
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About the Author
Jade is a finance analyst and has been involved in many successful business projects with a range of companies throughout the country. She started writing 3 years ago and enjoys researching, discussing, and writing on the topics of finances, budgeting, money advice, lifestyle and wellness. Jade loves to spend time with her family and has a lot of hobbies including hiking, riding a bike, cooking and traveling.
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