Written by Tess DiNapoli, Guest Writer
Yoga is an exercise known for helping others cultivate peace and mindfulness. Understandably, experiencing pain throughout your yoga sessions can make it difficult to get into the zone and reap the benefits of your efforts. The good news? Wrist pain doesn’t have to stop you. If your wrists are hurting during yoga, here’s how to help yourself and prevent the pain from interrupting your practice.

Approach More Yoga Poses That Are Better Suited for You
Sometimes, wrist pain may be an indicator that the yoga pose you’re trying is not the pose for you, at that moment. Advanced poses can be difficult to achieve and ask a lot of your body. If you’re someone who is just starting their yoga practice, look for gentle yoga exercises that can help you get moving without demanding as much from you. Look for sequences and postures that don’t require you to practice weight-bearing poses, as well.
If you have an underlying condition, recent injury, or simply don’t have as much wrist support due to aging, consider seeking out yoga poses more appropriate for your age that help you reap the benefits of yoga without dealing with consequences like wrist pain. With the right plan, wrist pain doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying yoga!
Try Products Designed to Relieve Stress on Your Wrists
One of the first steps to take if you’re experiencing regular wrist pain during your yoga sessions is to seek out a product that is designed to provide you relief during demanding activities, as well as during rest. Sol Jacobs, CEO of Tommie Copper, recommends using compression gloves to help you deal with this kind of pain and discomfort.
“Compression gloves are designed to offer support to the muscles and joints found within the wrist and hand. This provides the pain relief you need while helping you get more use out of your hands as you’re engaging in day-to-day activities. With the right compression gloves, you’ll be able to enjoy activities like yoga with ease.”

Make Sure There’s No Untreated Condition Contributing to the Pain
With the above in mind, it’s important to make sure that there are no underlying conditions contributing to your wrist pain. For example, your wrist pain may not just be a result of repetitive stress, but of serious conditions like arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, both of which require treatment in order to experience true relief.
If your wrist pain is not showing any signs of stopping, make sure to reach out to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician to evaluate whether or not there’s a deeper issue at hand. If you think you might be sick or have been exposed to an illness, stay home and consider trying an online class until you recover.

Find the Right Yoga Tools to Support You During Your Sessions
As it is with any form of exercise, having the right equipment needed to engage in yoga safely and effectively is vital to successfully starting and navigating your journey. Take, for example, yoga wedges. Yoga wedges are designed to offer support for your wrists when you’re in poses like Downward Dog. They also help to decrease the risk of injury, which is important if the repetitive stress is wreaking havoc on your joints.
Experiencing wrist pain while engaging in certain poses isn’t uncommon. Fortunately, there are plenty of solutions to help you experience the relief you’re seeking. If your wrists hurt during yoga, use the guide above to learn more about what the causes may be and how you can begin to modify your yoga practice for your unique needs.
About the Author
Tess DiNapoli is an artist, freelance writer, and content strategist. She has a passion for yoga and often writes about health and wellness, but also enjoys covering the fashion industry and the world of fitness.
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