Vacation is crucial to healthy living, and many women consider it a part of their overall self-care plan. According to a 2010 Framingham Heart Study, men who took a regular vacation were more than 32 percent less likely to die from heart disease. The percentage for women, meanwhile, was much higher. In fact, women who vacationed regularly were also 50 percent less likely to die from a heart attack. What better reason to get away for a little while? Read on for some tips from SwellWomen on how to do so and not invite stress to come along.
Planning a Vacation
When you’re planning a vacation, it’s important to determine where you want to go, how much you want to spend, and how long you want to be away from home. After that, it’s all about creating a checklist and making arrangements for the big trip. It wouldn’t hurt to use a vacation planner to help get it all down on paper.
Purchase plane tickets, get a rental car, and book lodgings. If you’re a business owner going away, create a vacation strategy to prepare and train your employees for your absence by teaching them how to handle various types of emergencies.
Our smartphones have almost become indispensable, and that’s true for traveling as well, and not just for being able to communicate while away. You’ll want to use the GPS app to find your destinations and check on weather real-time so you can plan your outings accordingly. That said, don’t forget to pack your phone charger to keep your device powered up. The last thing you want is to be stranded or in some other sort of emergency and not be able to call out.
Make sure you have everything planned out and checked off. That way, you don’t have to worry about anything other than having a fantastic time with the kids, your hubby or partner, or your bestie girlfriend.

Get a Fresh Perspective
Beyond those health benefits, CNN notes that traveling abroad will provide you with a fresh perspective on life. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and immersing yourself into a different culture may inspire you to start changing certain habits. Many travelers have epiphanies because they reflect on their lifestyles back home through a more detached view. This can help you reclaim control over aspects of your life that you felt were unhealthy.
Don’t Rule Out a Staycation
Of course, a “vacation” is what you make of it. If you don’t have a lot of money in the bank to put together a week-long getaway to an exciting new place, look for ways to take a break without leaving town. You could check into a vacation rental property near home and treat it like a full-blown vacation. There are plenty to choose from as well; TurnKey lists more than 30 vacation rentals in Palm Beach Gardens alone. Also, staycations can be just as relaxing as regular vacations, so don’t rule them out if you discover your funds are running a little short.

Secure Your Home Before You Leave
Don’t post on social media where and when you will be leaving on an extended trip. Never assume that your vacation posts are simply going to “friends only.” One of your followers could have left an account open on a computer at a library or on an unattended mobile phone.
If you plan to be away from home, take precautions to protect your property from burglaries so you can rest without worry. Lock all of the doors and windows. Make sure your home security is set properly and alert the company that you will be on vacation. You also should collect any spare keys that might be stowed away outdoors because burglars know all of the popular hiding places, too. Lock the garage and secure any doors that might lead inside your home.
If you have a pet, hire a sitter to come into the home to care for your companion. Or, if you do not have any pets, ask a trusted neighbor to water plants, pick up the newspaper and check the mailbox. Don’t leave any clues that “no one is home.”
With this peace of mind, you’ll be able to unwind the way you need without worry. So, take that time off, make some plans, and take a break — you deserve it.
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