Not a day goes by without someone telling us or reading it somewhere to drink water and stay hydrated. We try our best to do so, even if some of us don’t know the benefits. Nowadays, we can download apps to remind us to catch a breath from our busy day and drink water, especially the ones that forget to drink water throughout the day. Our body needs water to survive, maintain its temperature, remove waste and lubricate our joints. Our body needs water especially if we work out because fluids keep our body hydrated and without them, we won’t be functioning as we should be. When we sweat during exercises, our body tries to balance its temperature. Water acts as a carrier of heat through blood and removes excess heat via sweat evaporation on the skin.
What happens if you don’t drink enough water?
The most essential thing for survival after oxygen, it’s water. Water is essential in maintaining a healthy heart, brain, and muscles. It makes bone-against-bone movements smoother. It helps flush toxins from your body that could inflame joints. The purpose of water has many benefits. Not drinking enough water during the day and especially while working out, can lead to dehydration which can also lead to death. When the amount of water is below the normal level, our body can’t properly regulate heat. We feel more fatigue than usual and we would not able to think clearly. The performance in sport or exercise might not be as good as it could be. And for that, it is better if you drink at least 2-4 liters of water before your workout, especially in the hot weather.

Why it’s essential to drink water during the day and especially while exercising?
Drinking enough water every single day, it’s crucial. Besides the previous point made, being well hydrated improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood. Water helps our kidneys remove waste from our blood and if we don’t drink enough of it, that waste along with acids can build up and form kidney stones. People who had just 2 or 3 cups of water a day, seem to have less fat and calories. That is because, water seems to speed up our metabolism and it takes up space in our stomach, so it feels full. Although there is no recommendation for how much plain water everyone should drink, there are recommendations to drink clean and fresh water daily. For that, it’s good to use a reverse osmosis water filter. It eliminates the need for bottled water because it cleans tap water and it is safer to drink in everyday use. Plus, it saves money by preventing the need to buy bottles of water every day.
How to know if you’re dehydrated?
Being dehydrated doesn’t only mean that your body is losing water, but it also means that you’re losing electrolytes, such as salt and potassium, which help your body breathe, talk and move. Thirst isn’t the only thing reliable indicator of the body’s need for water. Because some people don’t feel thirsty until they reach body dehydration, which that can lead to fatal complications. To find out if you’re dehydrated, you need to check your urine. A darker or orange color of urine might be the warning color to watch.
Signs of dehydration
– Extreme thirst
– Headache
– Less frequent urination
– Fatigue
– Dizziness
By keeping yourself hydrated, you are avoiding these kinds of circumstances. Make sure you drink at least 3-4 glasses of clean and fresh water daily. Not only you will feel lighter and more energetic, but your body will be thanking you for making it easier for it to complete its natural processes. When we drink water, our brain cells communicate better with each other, as it clears out toxins. Think of it as refreshing your computer, when it’s erroring. Water makes up about 60% of our body’s weight and it is known as the elixir of life. It regulates our body temperature, keeps our joints lubricated, helps prevent infections and it also helps us lose fat. You can either drink clean, fresh, or filtered water or you can get it by eating water-rich food; like cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon, strawberries, etc. By not forgetting that the vast majority of your daily fluid intake should come from water.
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