Written by Miranda Davis, Guest & Freelance Writer
Are you stuck and can’t come up with ways to improve the relationship between you and your partner? Here, we’re giving you the 10 best things you can do to keep things new and fresh between you two. Find out how you can make your relationship better!
One year post the beginning of these crazy times, and it’s likely that you’ve been asking yourself, what can you do to improve the relationship between you and your long-term partner? Perhaps it’s something fresh, as you may have started the year on a high note when your casual perusal of dating sites led to a relationship that you want to last.
Regardless of your situation, know that you are not alone since many couples have been struggling to find ways to improve relationships during lockdown when they find themselves spending 24 hours a day with their beloved. To help you keep your relationship fresh, no matter what hardship may come your way, we have compiled 10 surefire ways to improve a relationship. Read below to find them out!

1. Maintain an open line of communication
After being together for a while, it’s likely that the conversations between you and your partner tend to repeat themselves. That’s why how to improve relationship communication is at the top of our tip list! Make a conscious effort to communicate with your partner, no matter how tired or absentminded you may be. Encourage your partner to do the same. This little habit will make all the difference!
2. Let them know you love them, and do so often
Maybe you’re here to find out how to improve a relationship with your boyfriend. Perhaps you’re interested in how to improve relationships with your girlfriend. Regardless, the best thing you can do to ensure the longevity of your relationship is to let your partner know that you love them. Do so consistently and with meaning, and rest assured that your relationship won’t stagnate anytime soon!

3. Try something new as a couple
When it comes to things to improve a relationship, there’s nothing quite like the rush that comes with experiencing new things that can help you come closer as a couple! Be it taking up a new hobby, working out, learning how to cook, or anything else that may interest you, it’s certain that you’ll get to come to appreciate each other even more.
4. See the world together
Have you ever wondered how magical it is to see the world together with the person you love the most? We’ve got the answer for you – it’s excellent! Traveling together when you it’s safe to travel again is a top tip on how to improve a healthy relationship because you get the opportunity to see a whole new side of your partner – and they, yours! Check out SwellWomen, all women retreats or SwellRetreats, our coed retreats which are relaxing and great getaways you can do with your partner.
5. Schedule date nights for just the two of you
Don’t let the humdrum of everyday life make you forget what draw you two together in the first place. By continuing to go out on date nights, you not only remember the great times you had at the start of your relationship, but you also reaffirm your choice of spending your life with your partner by seeing what a great time you two can have!
6. Keep the surprise aspect of your relationship alive
Remember those lovely times early on in your relationship where you’d make plans on a whim? Or when your partner would drop by with a bottle of wine and a small bouquet for an impromptu at-home date? You can still keep making these small yet powerful gestures to help you two break out of the rut you may have inadvertently have fallen into and have some fun again!

7. Socialize
It’s great being together, but aren’t there times when you feel like you’ve been missing your friends? Surely your partner must feel the same. It’s easy to lose touch with friends when in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean that it’s something that can be amended. Whether virtually or in small gatherings, you and your partner can safely meet with your friends and have a great time!
8. Spend some time doing things you love – alone
While you must surely love to spend quality time with your partner, you shouldn’t forget how important it is to spend time with yourself. That precious time you devote to doing things you love will not only nourish your soul, but it will also allow you to use all the experience, insight, and self-reflection you gained for the betterment of your relationship.
9. Set shared goals
Make a list of goals that you and your partner can focus on achieving together as a couple. It may involve saving money to buy a house, or even something completely different, such as working out together while preparing to run a marathon. The experience will make you feel more like a team and allow you to create memories that will last a lifetime!
10. Talk about your hopes for the future
Apart from solid foundations, what a relationship needs in order to last is for both partners to be on the same page when it comes to how they envision their future. Don’t avoid having these conversations with your significant other – in fact, they will help you both remain in touch with each other’s hopes and dreams and allow you to build a life together, just the way you want it to be.

Having read our tips, it’s easy now to understand how many ways to improve love relationships there are. This essentially means that you have many options when it comes to trying new things that will help reignite the passion between you and your partner. Remember, it’s the effort that counts, so make sure that whatever you do, you do it sincerely and with love. If you do so, then it’s certain that no matter the outcome, you’ll know that you did everything in your power to spark joy in you and your partner’s lives.
Let us know in the comments: what are your best tips on how to improve personal relationships within the family?
About the Author
Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.
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