By Harold Camaya, Guest Writer Consciously or unconsciously, we sometimes develop a lifestyle that deteriorates the quality of health. These will not show an immediate...
By Anna Kucirkova, Guest Writer Sleep. We often take it for granted, expecting that every night we’ll drift into sweet slumber. But for millions of people around the world,...
Vacations and retreats don’t have to occur in hot tourist destinations in order to be enjoyable. We at SwellWomen love traveling to remote destinations because we find...
As they say, a tourist and a traveler are quite different from each other. While the former is commercially marketed and more concerned with getting the perfect Insta-worthy...
Yoga is a mind and body practice with a 5,000-year history in ancient Indian philosophy. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation...
Imagine staying in the midst of nature for a week, indulging in yogic practices, surrounded by like-minded individuals and with all the basic necessities taken care of. Away...
While dermatologists advise applying a generous amount of sunscreen whenever exposing ourselves to the sun, many beach destinations – especially those in coral reef areas...
Seasons are a fact of life. Everything comes and everything goes with relatively predictability: the moon waxes and wanes every single month, no matter what goes on in the world...
If there’s any time that we should focus solely on ourselves, it’s when we are on retreat, no? Retreats, and travel in general, are the rare chances to step away from...
Check yourself right now — are your shoulders tense and rolled forward? One of the many ways that stress manifests in our bodies is through physical tension. Not only can this...